java - Convert embedded pictures in database -
i have 'small' problem. in database documents contain richtextfield. richtextfield contains profile picture of contact. problem content not saved mime , therefore can not calculate url of image.
i'm using pojo retrieve data person profile , use in xpage control display contents. need build convert agent takes content of richtextitem , converts mime able calculate url like
could me converting contents of richtextitem mime? when check embedded objects in rt field there none. when content of field stream , save new richtext field using following code. new field not created somehow.
system.out.println("check if document contains field name "+fieldname); if(!doc.hasitem(fieldname)){ throw new pictureconvertexception("could not locate richtextitem name"+fieldname); } richtextitem picturefield = (richtextitem) doc.getfirstitem(fieldname); system.out.println("its richtextfield.."); system.out.println("copy field backup field"); if(doc.hasitem("old_"+fieldname)){ doc.removeitem("old_"+fieldname); } picturefield.copyitemtodocument(doc, "old_"+fieldname); // vector embeddedpictures = picturefield.getembeddedobjects(); // system.out.println(doc.hasembedded()); // system.out.println("retrieved embedded objects"); // if(embeddedpictures.isempty()){ // throw new pictureconvertexception("no embedded objects found."); // } // // embeddedobject photo = (embeddedobject) embeddedpictures.get(0); system.out.println("create inputstream"); //s.setconvertmime(false); inputstream istream = picturefield.getinputstream(); system.out.println("create notesstream"); stream nstream = s.createstream(); nstream.setcontents(istream); system.out.println("create mime entity"); mimeentity mentity = doc.createmimeentity("picturetest"); mimeheader cdheader = mentity.createheader("content-disposition"); system.out.println("set header withfilename picture.gif"); cdheader.setheaderval("attachment;filename=picture.gif"); system.out.println("setcontent type header"); mimeheader cidheader = mentity.createheader("content-id"); cidheader.setheaderval("picture.gif"); system.out.println("set content stream"); mentity.setcontentfrombytes(nstream, "application/gif", mentity.enc_identity_binary); system.out.println("save document..");; //s.setconvertmime(true); system.out.println("done"); // clean if done.. //doc.removeitem(fieldname);
its been little while , didn't go down route of converting existing data mime. not work , after more research seemed unnecessary. because issue displaying images bound richtextbox did research on how compute url image , came following lines of code:
function getimageurl(doc:notesdocument, strrtitem,strfiletype){ if(doc!=null && !"".equals(strrtitem)){ var rtitem = doc.getfirstitem(strrtitem); if(rtitem!=null){ var personeldb = doc.getparentdatabase(); var dburl = getdburl(personeldb); var imageurl:java.lang.stringbuffer = new java.lang.stringbuffer(dburl); if("file".equals(strfiletype)){ var embeddedobjects:java.util.vector = rtitem.getembeddedobjects(); if(!embeddedobjects.isempty()){ var file:notesembeddedobject = embeddedobjects.get(0); imageurl.append("(lookupview)\\"); imageurl.append(doc.getuniversalid()); imageurl.append("\\$file\\"); imageurl.append(file.getname()); imageurl.append("?open"); } }else{ imageurl.append(doc.getuniversalid()); imageurl.append("/"+strrtitem+"/"); if(rtitem instanceof lotus.domino.local.richtextitem){ imageurl.append("0.c4?openelement"); }else{ imageurl.append("m2?openelement"); } } return imageurl.tostring() } } }
it check if given rt field present. if case assumes few things:
- if there files in rtfield first file picture display
- else create specified url if item of type rt otherwhise assume mime entity , generate url.
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