Overriding hashcode and equals in java -

i unclear use of hashcode , equals method in java.i have following query


if override equals method objects of value fred added though hashset implements set interface,which cant take repeated values.

second if override both equals , hashcode 1 object added hashset.why?

third if implement equals in case removing 1 fred object remove all?

class person {     string name;     person(string name) {         this.name=name;     }      @override     public boolean equals(object obj) {         if(!(obj instanceof person))         {        return false;          }     person p = (person)obj;     return p.name.equals(this.name);        }       /*@override     public int hashcode() {         return name.hashcode();     }*/ }  public class hashsetdemo {      /*      * @param args      */     public static void main(string[] args) {         // todo auto-generated method stub         hashset<person> s= new hashset<person>();         s.add(new person("fred"));         s.add(new person("fred"));         s.add(new person("fred"));         s.add(new person("fred1"));         for(person a:s) {             system.out.println(a.name);         }          s.remove(new person("fred"));         system.out.println(s);     } } 

from "effective java" joshua bloch, item 9:

you must override hashcode in every class overrides equals. failure result in violation of general contract object.hashcode, prevent class functioning in conjunction hash-based collections, including hashmap, hashset, , hashtable.

the eclipse ide generate hashcode , equals method you.

most hashcode methods this:

public int hashcode() {     int result = 17;     result = 31 * result + field1;   (int)     result = 31 * result + field2.hashcode();   (object)     ... rest of fields.     return result; } 


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