hibernate - How do I separate jdbc.properties and my deployed JAR or WAR application file -

i want user change jdbc.properties in deployed application. user doesn't want extract compiled jar or war file, edit jdbc.properties, , zip again. googled solution while still not find answer.

i use spring , hibernate using dao.

here applicationcontext.xml jdbc:

<context:property-placeholder location="classpath:jdbc.properties" /> 

i tried change classpath:../jdbc.properties, etc , locate jdbc.properties in possible location still not work.

is possible that? if not possible, how can application load specified jdbc.properties location hard-coded?

note: used separate development , production phase in workplace. developer guy doesn't know specification on production side.

many app servers (for example jboss or websphere) support "exploded .war's" .war (or .ear) literally directory , can manipulate files directly.

otherwise, sounds job jmx:


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