internationalization - Pass a lazy translation string including variable to function in Django -

inside django view, create subject that:

subject = _(u"%(user)s has posted comment") % { 'user': user } 

then pass subject function, handles email notifications:

send_notifications(request, subject, url) 

in send_notifications, iterate on subscriptions , send emails. however, each user can have different language, activate user's language dynamically via django's activate:

def send_notifications(request, subject, url):     django.utils.translation import activate     s in subscription.objects.filter(url=url):         activate(s.user.userprofile.lang)         send_mail(subject, render_to_string('notification_email.txt', locals()), settings.server_email, []) 

the template gets rendered in correct language of each user. however, subject passed evaluated , translated string send_notifications , thus, not translated.

i played around lazy translations , lambda functions parameters, without success. appreciated :)

instead of passing translated subject, pass non translated:

subject = '%(user)s has posted comment' context = {'user': user}  def send_notifications(request, subject, url, context):     django.utils.translation import activate     s in subscription.objects.filter(url=url):         activate(s.user.userprofile.lang)         send_mail(_(subject) % context, render_to_string('notification_email.txt', locals()), settings.server_email, []) 

if you're not going personalize contents per user, might limit number of renderings because that's little confusing:

# imports @ top catch import issues django.utils.translation import activate django.utils.translation import ugettext _  def send_notifications(request, url,      translatable_subject, context,     body_template='notification_template.txt'):     previous_lang = none     s in subscription.objects.filter(url=url).order_by('user__userprofile__lang'):         if s.user.userprofile.lang != previous_lang:             activate(s.user.userprofile.lang)             subject = _(translatable_subject) % context             body = render_to_string(body_template, locals())         send_mail(subject, body, settings.server_email, [])         previous_lang = s.user.userprofile.lang 

as such, more obvious you're not going render emails per usage.

this slight rewrite should make doubt original choice of couple of names (locals, notification_template).

the above sample code barely "educated guess" , should double check , make sure understand before paste it.


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