How to change the color of a button in Dundas Dashboard v 2.5 on Click -

how can change color of button in dundas dashboard v 2.5 on click. know have on click interaction , have assign fill property.

how using linear gradient brush.

thanks suggestions in advance!

there 2 ways linear gradient brush can set fill property to.

1) if need dynamic, build brush ground using script. instance:

dashboardlineargradientbrush b = new dashboardlineargradientbrush(); b.startpoint = new point (0,0); b.endpoint = new point(0,1);  dashboardgradientstop stop = new dashboardgradientstop(, 0); b.gradientstops.add(stop);  stop = new dashboardgradientstop(colors.white, 1.0); b.gradientstops.add(stop);  button1.fill = b; 

2) if you're switching between predefined colors, create rectangle shape outside dashboard canvas , set brush on rectangle. then, when want switch color, can in on click interaction:

button1.fill = rectangle1.fill; 


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