sql server - XMLize Stored procedure? -

i want write stored procedure xml(?) in comments.

/* <description>valid people</description> */ create procedure validpeople select    /*<field><name>birthday<name>       <minvalue>1950-01-01</minvalue>       <maxvalue>2012-01-01</maxvalue>       <sql><![cdata[*/   case when not birthday between '1950-01-01' , '2012-01-01'      birthday end birthday,   --]]></sql></field>   ....  -- <tablesource>   .... -- </tablesource> 

so can generate report of validation rules comments end users. or let end user modify rules , let machine regenerate stored procedure/comments.

is there tool purpose?

consider using extended properties to document stored procedures (and possibly other objects, tables, columns, indexes, etc.).

there tools available can build database documentation (much api docs known java or .net) based on information. also, information stored "real" meta data in database, not comments.

note extended properties, 'ms_description' property precise, string. on 1 side pretty basic, compared could achieve special xml-tags, on other hand pretty flexible, there no real limits put string.


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