mysql - Sql statement return with zero result -

i trying choose row where

1)list.ispublic = 1
2)userlist.userid='aaa' , userlist.listid=list.listid

i need 1)+2)

there row statement can not row, there problem?

list table:

listid  listname    creator isremindsub isremindunsub   ispublic    createdate  lastmodified    reminder 1       test2       aaa     0           0               1           2012-03-09  null            null 

user_list table (no row):

userid listid userrights 

my test version

select *  list l  inner join user_list ul on ul.listid = l.listid  l.ispublic = 1 , ul.userid = '09185346d' 

this result when there 2 list in user_list has aaa , , 1 list public in list, cause double retrieve of 1 public list in list if in php ?

listid    listname    creator    isremindsub    isremindunsub    ispublic    createdate    lastmodified    reminder    userid    listid    userrights 1         test2       aaa        0              0                1           2012-03-09    null                        aaa       1         read 2         t2          aaa        0              0                1           2012-03-09    null                        aaa       2         read 

first, try select fields need. second, write joins explicitly - helps readability. example:

select l.*, ul.* list l inner join user_list ul on ul.listid = l.listid l.ispublic = 1   , ul.userid = 'aaa' 

incidentally, if have no data in user_list table, have no way meet requirements have set. if put "userlist.listid=list.listid" necessary , user_list table empty, 0 rows returned.

edit: , no, won't cause rows retrieved double. whatever results sql query same results in php script - mechanism retrieving data same.


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