Dynamic Database Driven CSS -

here problem, have site building. including admin page manage on fly, have no issue pretty straight forward php, mysql etc. have in head can use database store css , dynamically call add new setting different classes, id's etc. table this: settings id--class--div--setting

where class body, header, footer, etc. , div , setting follows:

.header { $div:$setting; } 

in script echoing style tag , including inside of head tags.

my code worth below:

$header_query = mysql_query("select style, setting styles class='header'"); $header_result = mysql_fetch_array($header_query);   echo "<style type='text/css'>"; echo ".header {";    foreach($header_result $hstyle => $hsetting){    echo $hstyle.":".$hssetting.";";    }     echo "}";    echo "</style>"; 

i figgured enough echo each setting particular class , right in part. instead of echoing out desired code echo(depending on mysql_fetch command use) spits out this:

<style> .header { 0:div;1:background;2:setting;3:url(x.jpg) } </style> 

any ideas, i'm stumped?

mysql_fetch_array fetches 1 row. may use

$header_query = mysql_query("select style, setting styles class='header'");  echo "<style type='text/css'>"; echo ".header {";  while($header_result_row = mysql_fetch_array($header_query,mysql_assoc))     echo $header_result_row['style'].":".$header_result_row['setting'].";";  echo "}"; echo "</style>"; 

almost mysql_fetch_* affecting single row, keep in mind. see mysql_fetch_array examples.


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