delphi - How to make a TScrollbox out from TCustomControl? -

i have created component has paint override on canvas , set limit on minimum width , height. scrollbar should appear @ side when width or height less limit scrollbox , can scroll also.

i choose tcustomcontrol cause paint , less flicker when double buffered.

any idea or better solution?

tscrollbox , tcustomcontrol both descend twincontrol. tscrollbox , tscrollingwincontrol add scroll bars, whereas tcustomcontrol adds canvas. want, can either add canvas tscrollingwincontrol, or can add scroll bars tcustomcontrol.

compare definitions of 2 classes (in forms.pas , controls.pas, respectively), , should clear one's features easier duplicate in descendant. tcustomcontrol adds 3 simple methods, implemented in 40 lines of code. write tscrollingwincontrol descendant , copy methods , properties tcustomcontrol it.


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