android, how to send username and password to webservice as header fields? -

i trying create application on android phone takes username , password user, encrypt password using md5 connect url these parameters.

a code connect worked fine on iphone, couldn't find in android:

nsmutableurlrequest* request = [nsmutableurlrequest requestwithurl:myurl];  [request sethttpmethod:@"get"];  [request addvalue:usernamefield.text forhttpheaderfield:@"username"];  [request addvalue:md5pass2 forhttpheaderfield:@"password"]; 

i tried connect via httpurlconnection used post/get dataoutputstream, httpclient send parameters httpget/httppost, no success.

i think need send parameters headerfield don't know how.

note: compared encryption results , correct.

i find apache library more straightforward when comes http.

an example of follows:

defaulthttpclient client = new defaulthttpclient(); httpget request = new httpget(); request.seturi(new uri("")); 

normally request use parameters, ie append them end of url so:

string url = ""  request.seturi(new uri(url)); 

but since specified want them headers could:

request.addheader("username", username); request.addheader("password", password); 

and then:

httpresponse response = client.execute(request); //parse response input stream object inside httpresponse 


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