php - how to put a Cookie into an array? -
i'm trying store array cookie, following error:
warning: setcookie() expects parameter 2 string, array given
how can put array cookie?
edit2: edited code, , store cookie array now, i've got huge problem though. not override values first submission if size of second array smaller.
example. first submission array[1206,0402], second submission array[0402]. outcome [0402,0402] wrong.
function cuukko($var,$val){ setcookie($var,$val,time()+60*60*24*365); } function preg_dw($var){ global $isset; if ($isset&&is_array($_post[$var])&&sizeof($_post[$var])>0){ $c=0; foreach ($_post[$var] $key => $value) { $val[$c]=trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/',' ',preg_replace('/[^\d\w\s\(\)\[\]]+/','',$value))); cuukko($var."[".$c."]",$val[$c]); $c++; } } elseif (isset($_cookie[$var])) $val=$_cookie[$var]; return (sizeof($val)>0)?$val:array(); }
edit 3: question has been resolved. code in use now:
function cuukko($var,$val){ setcookie($var,$val,time()+60*60*24*365); } function preg_dw($var){ global $isset; if ($isset){ $c=0; if (is_array($_cookie[$var])) foreach($_cookie[$var] $key =>$trash) setcookie("{$var}[".$key.']', '', time()-60*60*24*365); if (is_array($_post[$var])) foreach ($_post[$var] $key => $value) { $val[$c]=trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/',' ',preg_replace('/[^\d\w\s\(\)\[\]]+/','',$value))); cuukko($var."[".$c."]",$val[$c]); $c++; } } elseif (isset($_cookie[$var])) $val=$_cookie[$var]; return (sizeof($val)>0)?$val:array(); }
you can store cookies using array syntax , read them multi-dimensional arrays:
setcookie('array[key]', 'value'); $var = $_cookie['array']['key'];
your code this:
for($val $key=>$value) setcookie('vals['.$key.']', $value, time()+60*60*24*365);
multi-dimensional arrays
you can store multi-dimensional arrays same way:
setcookie('array[key1][key2]', 'value'); $var = $_cookie['array']['key1']['key2'];
clearing cookie
when need clear out cookie, there multiple methods; longest being:
for($_cookie['array'] $key=>$value) setcookie('array['.$key.']', '', time()-60*60*24*365);
the easiest , preferable way this:
setcookie('array', '', time()-60*60*24*365);
cookies allow arrays stored using standard array syntax. storing multi-dimensional array standard syntax.
to destroy cookie array value, use same syntax normal cookie, either on whole array or on each specific element.
the documentation on setcookie()
goes on this.
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