algorithm - What's the easiest way to generate a list of combinations in C++? -

oftentimes, have problem property can either true or false, property b either true or false, , on. want test every combination of being true while b being false, , on. example might need following list:

[true,true,true] [true,true,false] [true,false,true] [true,false,false] [false,true,true] [false,true,false] [false,false,true] [false,false,false] 

in haskell or python, can done list product function.

my question is, what's simplest and/or quickest way generate this? have done converting number binary, converting binary array. seems cumbersome because decimal binary conversion isn't trivial, , need worry padding binary leading zeroes fill array properly.

i have implemented , re-implemented kind of function in different contexts enough times wonder, there way simple enough can implement scratch when necessary -- without having think?

i'm not sure of code along these lines should work.

for( int = 0; < 8; i++ ){   printf( "[%s, %s, %s]\n", (i & 0x1)?"true":"false", ((i & 0x2) >> 1)?"true":"false" , ((i & 0x4) >> 2)?"true":"false" ); } 

i'm iterating through numbers 0 7 (000 111 respectively) , isolating each bit identify boolean value.


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