php phpmailer always go to hotmail junk folder anyone can solve -

<?php         $to=$_post['email'];     $pwd=$_post['pwd'];      $activate_code = md5($_post['pwd'] . $_post['email'] . time());       $subject  = "卓能脹戶啟動程序" ;     $body ="親愛的 [$username]  : <br />" .         "歡迎加入卓能會員網站! <br />" .        "請利用以下網址啟動您的帳號,才能完成註冊程序," .        "<a href=$gencode>$gencode</a>  " .         "勿直接回覆此信 。 <br />" .        "<br /> 開啟動成功後您會員帳號即可立即使用。";      include("phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php");     $mail= new phpmailer();      $mail->issmtp();      $mail->smtpauth = true;     $mail->host = "";      $mail->port = 25;       $mail->charset = "utf-8";     $mail->username = "";     $mail->password = "123456";      $mail->from = "";     $mail->fromname = "minnie kwok";      $mail->subject = $subject;      $mail->body = $body;      $mail->ishtml(true);      $mail->addaddress($to); ?> 

who go hotmail junk folder can ?


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