javascript - DropDownList Dependencies and Selections Using jQuery -

i have 6 dropdownlist shown below:

option1 option2  option3 option4  option5 option6 

when change option1 want change option3 , option5. when change option2 want change option4 , option6. these list can in number. here example:

option1 option2 option3  option4 option5 option6  option7 option8 option9 

now when change option1 option4 , option7 change. when chanage option5 option2 , option8 change. when change option9 option6 , option3 change. think u can see pattern.

i solved part of problem assigning same classes related options. data coming database , cannot assign classes since don't know options in group.

if move these options in array how can make dependencies between them?

you can assign function each option triggered "change" event , change other options.


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