python - Changing the icon of the produced .exe, py2exe -

ive been googling none of results worked me.

here setup file

setup( windows = [     {         "script": "",         "icon_resources": [(1, "myicon.ico")]     } ], ) 

the icon of actual .exe file should "myicon.ico". not happen , default icon. "myicon.ico" 32 x 32.

i using windows 7.

i've had problem before (though i'm using windows xp). recent snippet of code worked me:

from distutils.core import setup  setup(     options = {'py2exe': {'bundle_files': 1}},     zipfile = none,     windows = [{             "script":"myprogram.pyw",             "icon_resources": [(1, "myicon.ico")],             "dest_base":"myprogram"             }], ) 

this creates 1 .exe file can use distribute (even includes windows libs -- use caution there)

my .ico file 64 x 64 , used tool create jpg (something photoshop , gimp saving file .ico default settings not quite enough, aware might have else there.


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