iphone - StackScrollView issue with delegate ID MBProgressHUD -

i've got stack scroll view app (like twitter , facebook apps) using psstackedview

it's creates view stack:


// set root controller stack controller menurootcontroller *menucontroller = [[menurootcontroller alloc] init]; self.stackcontroller = [[psstackedviewcontroller alloc] initwithrootviewcontroller:menucontroller]; self.window.rootviewcontroller = self.stackcontroller; [self.window makekeyandvisible]; 

root nav controller has uitable, cell touch loads next view

// load home stories table  psstackedviewcontroller *stackcontroller = xappdelegate.stackcontroller; uiviewcontroller*viewcontroller = nil;  while ([stackcontroller.viewcontrollers count]) {     //nslog(@"launchstories");     [stackcontroller popviewcontrolleranimated:yes]; }  viewcontroller = [[testview alloc] initwithnibname:@"testview" bundle:nil];       ((testview *)viewcontroller).indexnumber = [stackcontroller.viewcontrollers count]; viewcontroller.view.width = roundf((self.view.width - stackcontroller.leftinset)/2);  if (viewcontroller) {     [xappdelegate.stackcontroller pushviewcontroller:viewcontroller fromviewcontroller:nil animated:yes]; } 

in view want use mbprogresshud (https://github.com/matej/mbprogresshud/) display nice loading xml message

    hud = [[mbprogresshud alloc] initwithview:self.view.window];     [self.view.window addsubview:hud];      hud.delegate =  self ;     hud.labeltext = @"loading";      [hud showwhileexecuting:@selector(mytask) ontarget:self withobject:nil animated:yes]; 


hud.delegate =  self ; 

throws warning , app crashes

assigning 'id<mbprogresshuddelegate>' incompatible type 'testview *' 

i've tried sorts of combinations try , find current controller no avail, can find width of current controller instance with

psstackedviewcontroller *stackcontroller = xappdelegate.stackcontroller; nslog(@"%f",stackcontroller.view.width); 

which prints 748.000000. can't find work out 'self' should be.

any ideas?

testview needs implement mbprogresshuddelegate protocol. in testview.h make this:

@interface testview : classyouinheritfrom <mbprogresshuddelegate> 


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