sparql - where to get data about all european cities, villages from? -

i looking data european cities, villages , towns. interested in name, postal codes, telephone area codes, latitude, longitude, population , country belongs to.

1. can extract comprehensive amount of data from?

2. how query data linkedgeodata

to begin with, tried extract data linkedgeodata ( ). however, can't reasonable results. when following query executed, population occassionally appears, other fields left blank.

select * {    ?place <> .      optional { ?place <> ?name . }    optional { ?place <> ?lat . }     optional { ?place <> ?lon . }     optional { ?place <> ?postal . }    optional { ?place <> ?tel . }    optional { ?place <> ?population . }    optional { ?place <> ?inlocid . }     ?place <> ?in.     filter ( regex(?in, "europe", "i") ) . } 

i noticed properties containing opengeodb blank, although properties exist. wrong query?

for finding appropriated datasets may have @ dataset catalogue á la the data hub or data q&a boards á la get data.

re. second questions, seems data @ linkedgeodata seems bit sparse, or 1 has utilise other properties and/or classes. however, following query seems deliver @ least results, can see every place in europe can addressed via lgdb:is_in property

prefix lgd:<>  prefix lgdo:<>  prefix lgdp:<>  prefix lgdoogdb: <>  prefix lgdpogdb: <>   select *  <>   {    ?place lgdo:place .      optional { ?place lgdpogdb:name ?name . }    optional { ?place lgdoogdb:lat ?lat . }     optional { ?place lgdoogdb:lon ?lon . }     optional { ?place lgdpogdb:postal_codes ?postal . }    optional { ?place lgdoogdb:telephone_area_code ?tel . }    optional { ?place lgdo:population ?population . }    optional { ?place lgdoogdb:is_in_loc_id ?inlocid . }    optional { ?place lgdp:is_in ?in . } } limit 100 

with e.g. following query explore dataset's structure bit:

prefix lgdo:<>  prefix rdfs: <>   select *  <>   {    ?place lgdo:place .      ?place rdfs:label ?label . } limit 100 

... , following query returns 100 places in europe:

prefix lgdo:<>  prefix rdfs: <>   select *  <>   {     ?place lgdo:place .     ?place rdfs:label ?label .       ?place <> "europe" .     filter ( lang(?label) = "" ) } limit 100 

please note filter expression filtering out every language specific label has language tag, i.e., plain literals displayed query.


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