iphone - My activity Indicator show after my algorithm -

i have function onclickbutton (pseudocode):

show activityindicatorview (or progressbar or change label text no matter) execute algorithm hide activityindicatorview 

actvitiyindicatorview never show. if delete hide @ end of function, emerge after algorithm. in spite of show before execute algorithm.

why , how can fix ?

most execute algorithm long cpu time consuming process called on main thread...

you showing activity indicator before algorithm...the ui takes time update layout (adding activity indicator..) ..but before does..your a;gorith takes place on main thread..and block ui update.. when task completes.. tell hide activity..and activity hides....that why can't see being added , removed view..

to solve this..do algorithm task in separate thread(no main thread) ..this way ui updated , task complete in background..

alternative way perform long task after delay..so ui update itself


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