facebook - Invite friends to use app by list of ids, with PHP -

i wish manage friends invitations use facebook app, in php.

but can't find answer, because don't wish display facebook dialog box !

first : possible in php, without displaying facebook dialog box ?

i friends list following (user connected/allowed app)

include("../config/fb_config.php");  $facebook = new facebook(array(   'appid'  => $fbconfig['appid'],   'secret' => $fbconfig['secret'],   'cookie' => true, ));  $friends = $facebook->api('me/friends');  foreach($friends['data'] $users) {        echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"".$users['id']."\"/>               ".$users['name']."<br/>"; } 

is there facebook url/method send invite requests, checked ids , message ?

or "publish message on user wall"

$facebook->api('/me/feed', 'post', array('message'=>'blabla...');

you unable without providing popup box. put facebook makes sure on occasions user in control of doing, unless give explicit permissions app so. , there no permission trying do.

the closest frictionless requests. linked in question: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/requests/. looks need confirm @ least once. after can send requests without popup dialog.

however supported via javascript sdk , not php.

i afraid @ time, best have.


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