objective c - Data points not showing when using Core Plot -

i'm making graph ios app, using core plot 1.0 , ios 5.1.

i've went through tutorials can find core plot , have showing on graph except scatterplot data itself...

can't post screenshot because of reputation here link one: http://francoismaillet.com/coreplot_problem.png

i'm using numberofrecordsforplot , numberforplot methods simplescatterplot.m example. generatedata method generates numbers between 0 , 2.

i've been turning in circles while , appreciated.

here's class interface:

interface pricechartviewcontroller : uiviewcontroller <cptplotdatasource, cptscatterplotdelegate>{     nsarray *plotdata; } 

here's viewdidload method:

- (void)viewdidload {     [super viewdidload];     [self generatedata];      cptgraphhostingview *hostingview = [[cptgraphhostingview alloc] initwithframe:self.view.bounds];      cptxygraph *graph = [[[cptxygraph alloc] initwithframe:self.view.bounds] autorelease];     cpttheme *theme = [cpttheme themenamed:kcptdarkgradienttheme];     [graph applytheme:theme];      hostingview.hostedgraph = graph;     //hostingview.collapseslayers = yes;      graph.paddingleft   = 15.0;     graph.paddingtop    = 40.0;     graph.paddingright  = 15.0;     graph.paddingbottom = 40.0;       // plotspace graph     cptxyplotspace *plotspace = (cptxyplotspace *)graph.defaultplotspace;     plotspace.xrange = [cptplotrange plotrangewithlocation:cptdecimalfromfloat(-2)                                                    length:cptdecimalfromfloat(4)];     plotspace.yrange = [cptplotrange plotrangewithlocation:cptdecimalfromfloat(-2)                                                    length:cptdecimalfromfloat(4)];      [graph addplotspace:plotspace];       // axisset graph     cptxyaxisset *axisset = (cptxyaxisset *)graph.axisset;       cptmutablelinestyle *majorgridlinestyle = [cptmutablelinestyle linestyle];     majorgridlinestyle.linewidth = 1.0f;     majorgridlinestyle.linecolor = [[cptcolor whitecolor] colorwithalphacomponent:0.75f];      cptmutablelinestyle *minorgridlinestyle = [cptmutablelinestyle linestyle];     minorgridlinestyle.linewidth = 1.0f;     minorgridlinestyle.linecolor = [[cptcolor whitecolor] colorwithalphacomponent:0.25f];       cptxyaxis *x = axisset.xaxis;     x.title = @"x axis";     x.titleoffset = -20.0f;     x.titlelocation = cptdecimalfromfloat(30.0f);      x.majorgridlinestyle = majorgridlinestyle;     x.minorgridlinestyle = minorgridlinestyle;      x.majorintervallength = cptdecimalfrominteger(1);     x.minorticksperinterval = 0.5;     x.plotspace = plotspace;              cptxyaxis *y = axisset.yaxis;     y.majorintervallength = cptdecimalfrominteger(1);     y.minorticksperinterval = 0.5;     //y.orthogonalcoordinatedecimal = cptdecimalfrominteger(-0.5);     //y.preferrednumberofmajorticks = 8;     y.plotspace = plotspace;       // create scatterplot     cptscatterplot *datasourcelineplot = [[cptscatterplot alloc] init];     datasourcelineplot.identifier = @"alltests";      cptmutablelinestyle *linestyle   = [[datasourcelineplot.datalinestyle mutablecopy] autorelease];     //linestyle.miterlimit             = 1.0f;     linestyle.linewidth              = 3.0f;     linestyle.linecolor              = [cptcolor bluecolor];     datasourcelineplot.datalinestyle = linestyle;     datasourcelineplot.datasource    = self;     [graph addplot:datasourcelineplot];      // blue gradient     cptcolor *areacolor1        = [cptcolor colorwithcomponentred:0.3 green:0.3 blue:1.0 alpha:0.8];     cptgradient *areagradient1  = [cptgradient gradientwithbeginningcolor:areacolor1 endingcolor:[cptcolor clearcolor]];     areagradient1.angle         = -90.0f;     cptfill *areagradientfill   = [cptfill fillwithgradient:areagradient1];     datasourcelineplot.areafill = areagradientfill;     datasourcelineplot.areabasevalue = [[nsdecimalnumber zero] decimalvalue];      // auto scale plot space fit plot data     // extend ranges 30% neatness     [plotspace scaletofitplots:[nsarray arraywithobjects:datasourcelineplot, nil]];     cptmutableplotrange *xrange = [[plotspace.xrange mutablecopy] autorelease];     cptmutableplotrange *yrange = [[plotspace.yrange mutablecopy] autorelease];     [xrange expandrangebyfactor:cptdecimalfromdouble(1.3)];     [yrange expandrangebyfactor:cptdecimalfromdouble(1.3)];     plotspace.xrange = xrange;     plotspace.yrange = yrange;       graph.legend                     = [cptlegend legendwithgraph:graph];     graph.legend.textstyle           = x.titletextstyle;     graph.legend.fill                = [cptfill fillwithcolor:[cptcolor darkgraycolor]];     graph.legend.borderlinestyle     = x.axislinestyle;     graph.legend.cornerradius        = 5.0;     graph.legend.swatchsize          = cgsizemake(25.0, 25.0);     graph.legendanchor               = cptrectanchorbottom;     graph.legenddisplacement         = cgpointmake(0.0, 12.0);       [self setview:hostingview]; } 

remove line:

[graph addplotspace:plotspace]; 

you've positioned axes using 1 plot space , added plot another. if default plot space, should work fine. don't see need 2 different plot spaces in simple graph this.


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