Get url favicon with Jquery -

i found script allows display favicons based on url on here: andreaslagerkvist

its pretty simple script, there example when copy/paste example doesn't seem work..please take @ demo: jsfiddle

what doing wrong? missing in script?

you never called plugin, defined it.

plugin definition

jquery.fn.favicons = function (conf) {     var config = jquery.extend({         insert:        'appendto',          defaultico: 'favicon.png'     }, conf);      return this.each(function () {         jquery('a[href^="http://"]', this).each(function () {             var link        = jquery(this);             var faviconurl    = link.attr('href').replace(/^(http:\/\/[^\/]+).*$/, '$1') + '/favicon.ico';             var faviconimg    = jquery('<img src="' + config.defaultico + '" alt="" />')[config.insert](link);             var extimg        = new image();              extimg.src = faviconurl;              if (extimg.complete) {                 faviconimg.attr('src', faviconurl);             }             else {                 extimg.onload = function () {                     faviconimg.attr('src', faviconurl);                 };             }         });     }); }; 

plugin invocation

jquery('#jquery-favicons-example').favicons({insert: 'insertbefore'}); 

here's a working fiddle.


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