extjs - The content in form window is not selectable. It also drag the whole inner content when try to select. how to avoid it -

var settingform = ext.create('ext.form.panel', {     frame: false,     bodystyle: 'padding:5px 5px 0',     modal: true,     resizable: false,     draggable: true,     forceselection: true,     fielddefaults: {         labelalign: 'right',         //msgtarget: 'side',         labelwidth: 140     },     items: [{         xtype: 'fieldset',         anchor: '100%',         title: 'some information',         layout: 'column',         items: [{             xtype: 'container',             columnwidth: .5,             layout: 'anchor',             items: [{                 xtype: 'hiddenfield',                 name: 'txthiddenid',                 id: 'txthiddenid'             }, {                 xtype: 'textfield',                 fieldlabel: 'host name',                 name: 'txthostname',                 id: 'txthostnameid',                 allowblank: false,                 anchor: '96%',                 disabled: true,                 enablekeyevents: true,                 listeners: {                     keypress: function() {                         manageupdate();                     },                     specialkey: function(field, e) {                         if (e.getkey() == "46" || e.getkey() == "8")                             manageupdate();                     }                 }             } 

remove draggable: true , forceselection: true. see if helps.


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