turboc++ - How to include and use turbo vision library in Turbo C++ 3 -

i ask question people have experience in coding using turbo c++ 3.0.

i'm trying make text user interface console application , see turbo c++ 3 has option link turbo vision in program.

using this: options -> linker -> libraries -> check turbo vision.

know question how start using in program? tried include no avail, or not include header also.

note: if know of other way develop c++/c console apps text user interface, please feel free answer to.


edit: please not comment not use turbo c++ because it's old. i'm trying create console app text user interface our project. :)

turbo vision out dated , no more maintained. however, if have stronger reasons use 'the doom' game era tui tool kit, go ahead else suggest using ncurses portable tui toolkit, enter image description here

as note, turbo vision library has potentially unsafe pointers. not safe library use in era, , dos 'only' thing, there ports posix based environment , still doubt safety.


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