delphi - sending a record type as parameter using dwscript -

please consider record:

type    tstudent = record     name:string;     age: integer;     class:string;   end; 

i have class tschool has following function:

function addstudent(lstudent:tstudent):boolean; 

i want use class (tschool) in dwsunit, , function too, can't figure out how send record type parameter. how far i've reached:

procedure tform1.dwsunitclassestschoolmethodsaddstudenteval(info: tprograminfo;   extobject: tobject); begin   info.resultasboolean:=(extobject tschool).addstudent(info.vars['lstudent'].value); end; 

but not working, keeps on giving me error incompatible types.

i have defined in dwsunit record tschool, didn't work either. appreciated.

i don't have delphi 2010 @ disposal now, have delphi xe(it should work in d2010 also), here's works me, can of course modify fit needs:

program project1;  {$apptype console}   uses    sysutils   ,windows   ,dwscomp   ,dwscompiler   ,dwsexprs   ,dwscoreexprs   ,dwsrttiexposer   ,generics.collections   ;  //  required {$rtti explicit methods([vcpublic, vcpublished]) properties([vcpublic, vcpublished])} {m+}  type   //  student definition   tstudent = record     name: string;     age: integer;     aclass: string;   end;    //  student list, use generics   tstudentlist = class(tlist<tstudent>);    //  school class   tschool = class(tobject)   private     fstudentlist: tstudentlist;   published     constructor create;     destructor destroy; override;   published     procedure addstudent(astudent: tstudent);     function getstudentcount: integer;     function getstudent(index: integer): tstudent;   end;  { tschool }  procedure tschool.addstudent(astudent: tstudent); begin   fstudentlist.add(astudent); end;  constructor tschool.create; begin   fstudentlist := tstudentlist.create; end;  function tschool.getstudentcount: integer; begin   result := fstudentlist.count; end;  function tschool.getstudent(index: integer): tstudent; begin   result := fstudentlist[ index ]; end;  destructor tschool.destroy; begin;   inherited; end;  procedure testrecords; var   lscript: tdelphiwebscript;   lunit: tdwsunit;   lprog: idwsprogram;   lexec: idwsprogramexecution; begin   lscript := tdelphiwebscript.create(nil);   lunit := tdwsunit.create(nil);   try     lunit.unitname := 'mysuperduperunit';     lunit.script := lscript;      //  expose tstudent record script     lunit.exposertti(typeinfo(tstudent));     //  expose tschool class script     lunit.exposertti(typeinfo(tschool));     //  compile simple script     lprog := lscript.compile(       'var lschool := tschool.create;'#$d#$a +       'var lstudent: tstudent;'#$d#$a +       'var index: integer;'#$d#$a +       'for index := 0 10 begin'#$d#$a +         ' := format(''student #%d'', [index]);'#$d#$a +         'lstudent.age := 10 + index;'#$d#$a +         'lstudent.aclass := ''a-4'';'#$d#$a +         'lschool.addstudent( lstudent );'#$d#$a +       'end;'#$d#$a +       'println(format(''there %d students in school.'', [lschool.getstudentcount]));'#$d#$a +       'lstudent := lschool.getstudent( 5 );'#$d#$a +       'println(''6th student info:'');'#$d#$a +       'println(format(''name: %s''#$d#$a''age: %d''#$d#$a''aclass: %s'', [, lstudent.age, lstudent.aclass]));'     );      if lprog.msgs.haserrors begin       writeln(lprog.msgs.asinfo);       exit;     end;      try       lexec := lprog.execute;     except       on e: exception         writeln(e.message + #$d#$a + lexec.msgs.asinfo );     end;     writeln(lexec.result.tostring);;   end; end;  begin   try     writeln('press enter begin');     readln;     testrecords;;     readln;   except     on e: exception       writeln(e.classname, ': ', e.message);   end; end. 


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