SVN : Export modified files of revisions committed with specific comment -

i'm using svn commit comments associate keywords commited files. i'm trying find commited files - in revision - having specific keyword in comment. possible ?

thanks advance !

edit more info : can use tortoisesvn (from local, windows 7 64bit) or command line (from our integration server, linux)

edit again : "show log" in tortoise don't let me searching date. right can't search last year... 15/02/2012... way fix ?


final answer : made work wanted. wanted these logs use them svn exports. final script named :

    #!/bin/sh     if [ ! $1 ];then echo "no keyword specified. needs example ticket number : project-xxx. command : ./ project-xxx";exit;fi     cd /root/projets/myproject/     search=$1     echo "searching revisions committed keyword "$search     svn log | awk '{       if ( $1 == "------------------------------------------------------------------------") {         getline         revision = $1       }       else {         if (match($0, search)) {           print "keyword found in " revision ". export coming..."           system("./var/batchesfolder/ . " substr(revision,2) " var/batchesfolder/sorties/svnexports/" search)         }       }      }' search="$search" 

as can see i'm calling script. inspired julien falconet's tutorial, named :

    #!/bin/sh     #     # export modified files in svn     #     #  copyright (c) 2009 julien falconnet     #     #     #  program free software; can redistribute and/or modify     #  under terms of gnu general public license published     #  free software foundation; either version 2 of license, or     #  later version.     #     #     #beware : script not operate correctly files filename contains spaces     # tests parameters     if [ ! $1 ];then echo "svnxport : no source specified. needs : source revision target_directory";exit;fi     if [ ! $2 ];then echo "svnxport : no revision specified. needs : source revision target_directory";exit;fi     if [ ! $3 ];then echo "svnxport : no target_directory specified. needs : source revision target_directory";exit;fi     # check if target_directory allready exists     #if [ -d $3 ];then echo "svnxport : target_directory '$3' allready exists. remove or change target_directory parameter.";exit;fi       # use svn diff select changed files between $2-1 , $2 revisions , keep updated or added.     sourcedir=$1     revision=$2     previous=$(($revision - 1))     targetdir=$3     escapedsourcedir=$1     if [ $escapedsourcedir == '.' ]           escapedsourcedir='\\.'     fi       echo "processing : source($sourcedir), revision($revision), target_directory($targetdir)"      # 'for' separate status filename (here problem file blanks)     myfile in `svn diff -r $previous:$revision --summarize $sourcedir | grep -e '^m ' -e '^a '`         if  [  "$myfile" = "m"  -o  "$myfile" = "am" -o "$myfile" = "a" -o "$myfile" = "." -o -d $myfile ]             # ignore status, , directory update         continue     else         #we focus on true changed files         #first create needed directories current file         #note use relative directory system         outfile=`echo $myfile |sed "s|$escapedsourcedir||g"`         dir="$targetdir/$outfile"         mkdir -p $(dirname $dir)         #then export file         svn export --force $myfile $targetdir/$outfile >> /dev/null         echo "export $targetdir/$outfile "     fi     done     # list other files. changed not exported. deleted ones.     # usefull know files should removed , follow weird comportment     #echo "watch : "     #svn diff -r $previous:$revision --summarize $sourcedir | grep -v -e 'm ' -e 'a ' |sed "s|$sourcedir||g"     echo $'\n' 

and now, action cd versionned website root, , call ./path/to/scripts/ project-xxx

it search revision committed comment containing "project-xxx" keyword, , export head revision of files modified revision new folder : path/to/scripts/sorties/svnexports/project-xxx

i need nishant helpful link gave me. thank ! :)

try like

  svn log | grep <my comment> 

or do this


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