iphone - MPMoviePlayerViewController not playing in Landscape orientation under 5.1 -

has changed in 5.1 affect how mpmovieplayerviewcontroller works regarding device orientation?

i started getting reports users today videos playing in portrait mode. figured out using 5.1 , upgraded device recreate situation. code has not changed , works in 4.x, 5.0, , 5.01.

all views in app display in portrait mode except when user clicks on video, movie player suppose take on whole screen , launch landscape more. app using 5.0 sdk targeting 4.0. here code using display video:

videoplayer *vp = [[videoplayer alloc] initwithcontenturl:movieurl]; vp.movieplayer.moviesourcetype = src; vp.movieplayer.controlstyle = mpmoviecontrolstylefullscreen; vp.movieplayer.shouldautoplay = true; [self presentmovieplayerviewcontrolleranimated:vp]; 

videoplayer subclass of mpmovieplayerviewcontroller shouldautorotatetointerfaceorientation overridden so:

- (bool)shouldautorotatetointerfaceorientation:(uiinterfaceorientation)interfaceorientation { return (interfaceorientation == uideviceorientationlandscapeleft); } 

this pattern recommended on internet , apple. don't understand why not working under ios 5.1 or why more people aren't complaining this.

any appreciated.

i had same problem - playing movie on opengl subview, (im making interactive ebook in landscape mode needed movie - (in uiview) play in landscape also)

i corrected by: subclassing open glview *viewcontroller linking *viewcontroller window

so while working cocos2d can use uikit in correct orientation. sending uikit views subclasses opengl view. (while making sure add in app delegate , checking orientation stated in plist too.)

"#if game_autorotation == kgameautorotationuiviewcontroller     [director setdeviceorientation:kccdeviceorientationportrait]; "#else     [director setdeviceorientation:kccdeviceorientationlandscaperight]; "#endif 

hope helps :) im new @ cocos2d took while figure out doing wrong.


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