How can I change the git message of my 1 push in github? -

my environment:

i working team on github private repository.

we have master branch.

reproduce problem:

  1. i made change (i talking single , not muilticase) , add+commit+push github private repository.

  2. i saw message in github after push - , have mistake want change.

  3. how can change message of push?

edit: important me no history left of mistaken message.

edit2: files pushed in github repository , not in local repository


git commit -v --amend git push -f 

this allow edit last commit message, , replace commit on remote edits.


you better off pushing correction.

the way change existing commit is:

git add changed # example, add changed commit git commit -v --amend # launch editor, edit commit message 

that allow edit last commit (either contents, or commit message)

you'll find can't push remote, when try it'll rejected warning this:

  ! [rejected]        master -> master (non-fast-forward) error: failed push refs '' prevent losing history, non-fast-forward updates rejected merge remote changes (e.g. 'git pull') before pushing again.  see 'note fast-forwards' section of 'git push --help' details. 

which gives 2 options:

  1. pull first, before pushing again
  2. force-push ( git push -f )

if pull first - put un-edited commit in history, it'll still exist, you'll have no problems pushing remote branch. original commit show in history merge.

if force-push, literally forcing remote branch accept local history , overwriting remote branch's history.

the note git's own perhaps best used describe why forcing push bad idea:

usually, command refuses update remote ref not ancestor of local ref used overwrite it. flag disables check. this can cause remote repository lose commits; use care.

in context, "lost commits" old version of commit edited - include changes colleague pushes in-between first push, , forced-push. reason it's risky manoeuvre.

if need it can done - either act (so nobody downloads borked-commit) or know cause problems other developer pulling , pushing branch.


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