facebook - This API call requires a valid app_id -

i got wierd going on. have 2 facebook api calls (using facebook php-sdk) next each other. first call goes fine, second throws exception:

"this api call requires valid app_id"

previous api call requested access token offline_access , publish_stream. token valid because api calls next "problem call" fine. make things clear, small snippet of code:

            // call goes fine!             $user_info = $this->facebook->api('/'.$user_id );              // create wallpost facebook             $wallpost = array(                 'message' => 'some message',                  'name' => 'shoppe',                  'caption' => "ik heb een product toegevoegd",                  'link' => site_url(),                  'description' => $description,                  'picture' => site_url("assets/img/logo.png")             );              // throws exception "this api call requires valid app_id"                          $result = $this->facebook->api('/'.$user_id.'/feed/','post',json_encode($wallpost) ); 

$user_id valid value, info in $wallpost

i don't know php details of string concat lost on me, first thing popped head reading request string on post may not formatted think php gets malformed request, cannot find app id , throws error.

i suggest taking string creating api() call , printing out before making call , making sure looks suppose before going on wire.


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