java - What are the pros/cons/substitutes for using MySQL Connector/MXJ for an application -

i made interesting application using play framework , mysql connector/mxj make portable web server database, independent of installed software(including java).

i'm still new mxj, , desktop application realm (as opposed straight-up webapps), i'm wondering if there other, better methods storing/accessing large amounts of data embedded mysql. assume so, since seems not many people use mxj. packs mysqld.exe in various forms multiple operating systems , platforms. runs in own thread, , stores data in whatever directory provide.

for application analyzes , searches through data in large chunks(100mb 5gb), other (fast)options there, or justified in webapp-laziness of bringing along mysql?

independent of installed software(including java).

if looking embedded database desktop application, can go sqlite. however, there pros/cons using either mysql or sqlite


  1. easier setup
  2. great temporary (testing databases)
  3. great rapid development
  4. great embedding in application
  5. doesn't have user management
  6. doesn't have many performance features
  7. doesn't scale well.


  1. far more difficult/complex set up
  2. better options performance tuning
  3. fit production database
  4. can scale if tuned properly
  5. can manage users, permissions, etc.

you can find more info on when use sqlite here

update: came across hsqldb , here test results. hamsterdb option.


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