java - Spring MVC / @InitBinder is without effects -

i facing weird problem right jodatime datetimes , spring mvc controller. although see initbinder-annotated method invoked, without effects, strings of test request not bound domain object, can state following error message:

org.springframework.validation.beanpropertybindingresult: 2 errors field error in object 'eventcommand' on field 'enddate': rejected value [29/03/2015 12:13]; codes      [typemismatch.eventcommand.enddate,typemismatch.enddate,,typemismatch]; arguments [ codes [eventcommand.enddate,enddate]; arguments []; default message [enddate]]; default message [failed convert property value of type 'java.lang.string' required type 'org.joda.time.datetime' property 'enddate'; nested exception org.springframework.core.convert.conversionfailedexception: failed convert type java.lang.string type @javax.validation.constraints.notnull @javax.persistence.column @org.hibernate.annotations.type org.joda.time.datetime value '29/03/2015 12:13'; nested exception java.lang.illegalargumentexception: invalid format: "29/03/2015 12:13" short] field error in object 'eventcommand' on field 'startdate': rejected value [28/03/2015 12:13]; codes [typemismatch.eventcommand.startdate,typemismatch.startdate,,typemismatch]; arguments [ codes [eventcommand.startdate,startdate]; arguments []; default message [startdate]]; default message [failed convert property value of type 'java.lang.string' required type 'org.joda.time.datetime' property 'startdate'; nested exception org.springframework.core.convert.conversionfailedexception: failed convert type java.lang.string type @javax.validation.constraints.notnull @javax.persistence.column @org.hibernate.annotations.type org.joda.time.datetime value '28/03/2015 12:13'; nested exception java.lang.illegalargumentexception: invalid format: "28/03/2015 12:13" short] 

here meaningful part of controller:

@controller @requestmapping("/***/event") public class eventcontroller {      private static final string command = "eventcommand";     @autowired     private eventdao eventdao;      @initbinder(value = command)     public void customizeconversions(webdatabinder binder) {         dateformat df = new simpledateformat("dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm");         df.setlenient(false);         binder.registercustomeditor(date.class, new customdateeditor(df, true));     }      @requestmapping(value = {             "/new",             "/edit/{id}"     }, method = post)     public modelandview save(@modelattribute(command) @valid final event event, final bindingresult result) {         if (result.haserrors()) {             return populatedeventform(event);         }         eventdao.saveorupdate(event);         return successfulredirectionview();     }      private modelandview successfulredirectionview() {         return new modelandview("redirect:index.jsp");     }      private modelandview populatedeventform(final event event) {         modelmap model = new modelmap(command, event);         return new modelandview("event/form.jsp", model);     } } 

as test request (driven spring-test-mvc):

@test public void when_saving_valid_event_then_routed_to_home() throws exception {     mvc.perform(post("/***/event/new").             param("title", "zuper title").             param("description", "zuper description").             param("startdate", "28/03/2015 12:13").             param("enddate", "29/03/2015 12:13")).             andexpect(status().isok()).             andexpect(view().name("redirect:index.jsp")); } 

and entity:

@entity public class event {     @id     @generatedvalue(strategy = identity)     @column(name = "id")     private long id;     @notblank     @length(max = 1000)     @column(name = "description", nullable = false)     private string description = "";     @notnull     @column(name = "start_date", nullable = false)     @type(type = "org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.joda.persistentdatetime")     private datetime startdate;     @notnull     @column(name = "end_date", nullable = false)     @type(type = "org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.joda.persistentdatetime")     private datetime enddate;     @notblank     @length(max = 255)     @column(name = "title", nullable = false, unique = true)     private string title = "";      /* setters & getters */ } 

if commit @initbinder-annotated method, result same... i've got same kind of data binding entity (with 1 datetime member) , works fine.

any idea wrong ?

thanks in advance,


alright found problem, exposing properties directly datetime , not date doing other entity.

exposing dates did trick.


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