escaping - How to escape apostrophe (') in MySql? -

the mysql documentation says should \'. however, both scite , mysql shows '' works. saw , works. should do?

the mysql documentation cite says little bit more mention. says,

a “'” inside string quoted “'” may written “''”.

(also, linked mysql 5.0 version of table 8.1. special character escape sequences, , current version 5.6 — current table 8.1. special character escape sequences looks pretty similar.)

i think postgres note on backslash_quote (string) parameter informative:

this controls whether quote mark can represented \' in string literal. preferred, sql-standard way represent quote mark doubling ('') postgresql has historically accepted \'. however, use of \' creates security risks...

that says me using doubled single-quote character better overall , long-term choice using backslash escape single-quote.

now if want add choice of language, choice of sql database , non-standard quirks, , choice of query framework equation, might end different choice. don't give information constraints.


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