vb.net - Obraining SSRS report in the form of pdf -

i want ssrs report in form of pdf (or other portable format) automatically. mean when user presses button, instead of viewing report in report view, should converted pdf

please give me vb.net code if possible.

any welcomed !


please try code.

private sub generatereport(paramlist hashtable)         rs.credentials = system.net.credentialcache.defaultcredentials         rsexec.credentials = system.net.credentialcache.defaultcredentials          dim historyid string = nothing         dim deviceinfo string = nothing         dim format string = "pdf"         dim results byte()         dim encoding string = string.empty         dim mimetype string = string.empty         dim extension string = string.empty         dim warnings reportexecution.warning() = nothing         dim streamids string() = nothing         dim filename string = "c:\myreport.pdf"        ' change want save         dim _reportname string = "/sales/myreport"  ' change report         dim _historyid string = nothing         dim _forrendering boolean = false         dim _values reportingservice.parametervalue() = nothing         dim _credentials reportingservice.datasourcecredentials() = nothing         dim _parameters reportingservice.reportparameter() = nothing          _parameters = rs.getreportparameters(_reportname, _historyid, _forrendering, _values, _credentials)          dim ei reportexecution.executioninfo = rsexec.loadreport(_reportname, historyid)         dim parameters(_parameters.length - 1) reportexecution.parametervalue          param integer = 0 _parameters.count - 1             parameters(param) = new reportexecution.parametervalue             parameters(param).label = _parameters(param).name             parameters(param).name = _parameters(param).name             parameters(param).value = paramlist(param)         next          rsexec.setexecutionparameters(parameters, "en-us")         results = rsexec.render(format, deviceinfo, extension, mimetype, encoding, warnings, streamids)          dim stream new system.io.filestream(filename, io.filemode.openorcreate)          stream.write(results, 0, results.length)         stream.close()     end sub 


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