c# - Fire Job only one time at specific date and time -

i have code job - log info database

 public class job : ijob      {          private static readonly log4net.ilog log =  log4net.logmanager.getlogger(system.reflection.methodbase.getcurrentmethod( ).declaringtype);          #region ijob members          public void execute(ijobexecutioncontext context)          {              // job prints out job name ,              // date , time running              jobkey jobkey = context.jobdetail.key;              log.infoformat("simplejob says: {0} executing @ {1}",  jobkey, datetime.now.tostring("r"));          }          #endregion      }  

my singleton scheduler class

public class scheduler      {          static scheduler()          {              namevaluecollection properties = new  namevaluecollection();              properties["quartz.scheduler.instancename"] = "myapp";              properties["quartz.scheduler.instanceid"] = "myapp";              properties["quartz.threadpool.type"] =  "quartz.simpl.simplethreadpool, quartz";              properties["quartz.threadpool.threadcount"] = "10";              properties["quartz.threadpool.threadpriority"] = "normal";              properties["quartz.scheduler.instancename"] =  "testscheduler";              properties["quartz.scheduler.instanceid"] =  "instance_one";              properties["quartz.jobstore.type"] =  "quartz.impl.adojobstore.jobstoretx, quartz";              properties["quartz.jobstore.useproperties"] = "true";              properties["quartz.jobstore.datasource"] = "default";              properties["quartz.jobstore.tableprefix"] = "qrtz_";              // if running ms sql server need              properties["quartz.jobstore.lockhandler.type"] =  "quartz.impl.adojobstore.updatelockrowsemaphore, quartz";              properties["quartz.datasource.default.connectionstring"] =  "server=localhost;database=quartzr;uid=user;pwd=pass";              properties["quartz.datasource.default.provider"] =  "sqlserver-20";              _schedulerfactory = new stdschedulerfactory(properties);              _scheduler = _schedulerfactory.getscheduler();          }          public static ischeduler getscheduler()          {              return _scheduler;          }          private static readonly ischedulerfactory _schedulerfactory;          private static readonly ischeduler _scheduler;      }  

global.asax start scheduler

void application_start(object sender, eventargs e)          {              scheduler.getscheduler().start();          }  

and code add jobs

 datetime selecteddate = this.calendar1.selecteddate;                  int hour = this.timeselector1.hour;                  int minute = this.timeselector1.minute;                  int second = this.timeselector1.second;                  // first must reference scheduler                  // jobs can scheduled before sched.start() has been  called                  // "nice round" time few seconds in  future...                  datetimeoffset starttime = datebuilder.dateof(hour,  minute, second, selecteddate.day, selecteddate.month,  selecteddate.year);                  try                  {                      // job1 fire once @ date/time "ts"                      ijobdetail job = jobbuilder.create<job>()                          .withidentity("job1", "group1")                          .build();                      isimpletrigger trigger =  (isimpletrigger)triggerbuilder.create()                                                                    .withidentity("trigger1",  "group1")                                                                    .startat(starttime)                                                                    .build();                      // schedule run!                      datetimeoffset? ft =  scheduler.getscheduler().schedulejob(job, trigger);                      log.info(job.key +                               " run at: " + ft);                      this.label1.text = "zdarzenie dodane";                  }                  catch (exception ex)                  {                      log.error(ex.message, ex);                  }  

problem jobs add db, fire immediately, not @ specific time me :/ use latest library quartz.net 2.0 beta 2 wrong in code? begginer api, please

quartz.net expects pass in dates , times in utc. try changing line:




or, make sure starttime in utc before passing in.


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