Android - Find a contact by display name -

i'm trying find contact display name. goal open contact , add more data (specifically more phone numbers), i'm struggling find contact want update.

this code i'm using:

    public static string findcontact(context context) {      contentresolver contentresolver = context.getcontentresolver();     uri uri =;     string[] projection = new string[] { phonelookup._id };     string selection = + " = ?";     string[] selectionarguments = { "john johnson" };     cursor cursor = contentresolver.query(uri, projection, selection, selectionarguments, null);      if (cursor != null) {         while (cursor.movetonext()) {             return cursor.getstring(0);         }     }     return "john johnson not found"; } 

i have contact called "john johnson", method returns "not found". tried searching contact 1 name, makes no difference.

i suspect it's wrong uri, selection or selection arguments, because couldn't find example online of searching contacts given display name, , seems display name special kind of information, different example phone number.

any ideas how can achieve find john johnson?

update: found out how find contact display name:

        contentresolver contentresolver = context.getcontentresolver();     uri uri = data.content_uri;     string[] projection = new string[] { phonelookup._id };     string selection = structuredname.display_name + " = ?";     string[] selectionarguments = { "john johnson" };     cursor cursor = contentresolver.query(uri, projection, selection, selectionarguments, null);      if (cursor != null) {         while (cursor.movetonext()) {             return cursor.getstring(0);         }     }     return "john johnson not found"; 

this code returns contact id of first contact display name "john johnson". in original code had wrong uri , wrong selection in query.

i thinks issue may caused projection set. projection used tell android column of data want query give id column display name won't return. try remove projection see whether works.

-- cursor cursor = contentresolver.query(uri, projection, selection, selectionarguments, null);
++ cursor cursor = contentresolver.query(uri, null, selection, selectionarguments, null);


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